Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A new school year has begun and our lives are returning to that very scheduled existence. Summer's over, but golly, is it ever hot! Why, I do believe that an egg might actually cook on the black dashboard of my car! Speaking of frying, Texas Treats offers several kinds of tortilla chips: Texas-shaped or not, lightly salted or seasoned and in various size bags. A crunch is always a good thing to take your mind off the heat!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Texas Tax Free Weekend

Texas' annual tax-free weekend is upon us and all "necessary" items are on that goodie list. You'll save a bundle! No you're probably asking yourself "why aren't Texas Treats goodies on that 'necessary' list?" Believe me, we're asking the same thing! Every REAL Texas knows that chips and salsa are a necessity!

Have fun shopping!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dog Day's of Texas Summer

Phew! It sure has been HOT recently! Ever notice how life seems to move slower during the summer months? Schools out for the kids, people are gone on vacations in the office, and business is at a nice steady pace. Here at Texas Treats we have managed to keep busy during these slower summer days, but have also had time to have some fun in the office! Check out some of these photos of Ashleigh and myself taking a break from all of our hard work to play some cards!

Don't forget to have some fun during these HOT Texas summer days! Working would probably be a good idea too ;)