Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Howdy, and Welcome to Our Blog!

At Texas Treats, we know how important it is to keep up with our friends, and we want you to stay in the loop with what we're up to! We've got a lot of exciting things rolling out this year, and we want you to be the first ones "in the know".

Right now, we're still recoverin' from a holiday season that was busier than a wild hog chase! In a couple of weeks, though, on February 18th, we've got our annual tradeshow, PartyFest, to go to, so we're gettin' all geared up for that, too. PartyFest is literally a big party for everyone in the event planning industry. Vendors come in from all over to showcase their wares, and Texas Treats will be right in the middle of it! Actually, right at Booth 14 to the right of the entrance, to be exact! We'd love for ya'll to come visit us, so we've included a complimentary pass for admission at the bottom of this post! Be sure to print it off and bring it with you.

Also at PartyFest this year, we'll be handing out a free sample of our newest product, which we'll be officially "unveiling" around Texas Independence Day (March 2nd). We can't let the armadillo out of the bag just yet, but for those of you who do a lot of tradeshows and sales calls, this line of products will be right up your alley! So stop by Booth 14 at PartyFest and find out what all of our hustle & bustle is about!

We can't wait to see ya'll there! In the meantime, check Texas Treats out on our website:!

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